Pregnant Women Due to Iodine Deficiency for Infants IQ

Pregnant women due to iodine deficiency for infants IQ - The researchers said that iodine deficiency during pregnancy can seriously affect the mental development of infants. One study in the UK found that IQ and value reading lesson elementary school students tend to be lower if their mothers did not consume a lot of foods that contain a lot of iodine, such as fish and dairy products. This conclusion, which was published in the scientific journal The Lancet, obtained from the study of 1,000 families in the UK.

Pregnant Women Due to Iodine Deficiency for Infants IQ

From this study revealed that two-thirds of pregnant women who do not consume enough iodine and it turns out their children's intelligence at the age of eight years and three points lower than children born to mothers who take iodine in sufficient quantity.

Experts from the University of Bristol and the University of Surrey who undertake this study suggest that pregnant women should avoid extra food from seaweed because it will make the mineral content in the body is too high.

Severe iodine deficiency is considered as the biggest cause of brain damage, medical cases could be prevented, in many countries in the world. In many countries, iodine is added to salt in the UK but Kesahatan Department said this step would not be implemented in the UK, at least in the foreseeable future.

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