Birthmark and its relationship with the baby's health - Often we find a birthmark on the body of a newborn baby. The form indicates that there are many diverse types of these birthmarks. Here's the full review. Birthmarks baby is often invisible. When the baby's body really be considered carefully, then parents find no birthmark on her baby. To be more familiar birthmark, here's the types that can be learned, as quoted by the tabloid Mom & Kiddie.

8 Birthmark and its relationship with the baby's health
Mongolian Spot
It comes in the form of a sign that is smooth, flat , and somewhat dark . Often found in the buttocks or lower back baby blue -gray , black and brown . Glance looks like a bruise , but is not dangerous because of mongolian spots will disappear over time . " Usually when the children were heading past puberty , then this birthmark will disappear by itself . Size also varies , there is nothing like a bottle cap or even being around her ass . If the size is greater, may need to be sent to the doctor for fear of side effects of such a large size , "said dr . Frances Tiosudarmin , SpKK .
Salmon Patch
Also called a stork bite or stork bites . This birthmark is actually the blood vessels that appear on the skin surface in the form of pink , small , and flat . Salmon patches ( salmon patches ) contained in a third newborn , usually appear on the back of the neck ( nape ) , in between the eyes or on the forehead , nose , lower lip , and eyelid . These birthmarks are harmless because as the growth of the baby salmon patches will disappear by itself . " Usually when that is rarely lost in the nape . Due to being in an area that is not so visible and the color is not too flashy then no need to worry , "said Sisca .
Port Wine Stain
These stains appear as a sign that flat , reddish pink and slowly turn into a darker red to purple color leads to . Most of these spots will grow bigger and thicker . Generally, the size is quite large birthmark and was on one side . Often appear on the face, back or chest . Most often appears on the forehead and around the eyes , if it occurs in infants , immediately consult a skin specialist and eye specialist to get further treatment . Port wine stain ( wine cup stains ) caused by the dilation of blood capillaries which occurs in one in 1,000 babies . This stain is not actually dangerous . Only if these markers are on around the eyelids , it can cause the risk of glaucoma , which is an increase of eye pressure . If so , this could be regarded as a sign of the beginning of the existence of tumor blood vessels when there is a stain on the face is the vital organs such as the eye . Treatment can be done is to perform laser therapy , surgery with skin grafting , or use a cream or ointment.
Which is a collection of small blood vessels and clot . Occurs on the surface of the skin and is usually found on the face , scalp , back , and chest . As the name implies , this birthmark the color red or purple and will grow bigger . This sign can occur in two out of 100 births . Hemangiomas will disappear ahead of child age 9 years . Keep in mind , this sign will be very dangerous if it appears in the area around the eyes and mouth , because it can affect vision and close the airway . If the baby has a hemangioma on the areas mentioned above , immediately consult a physician to receive medical treatment .
Venous Malformations
Actually hemangioma and venous malformation includes vascular tumor category . Venous malformations caused by abnormal conditions caused by dilated blood vessels . Although it appears at birth , this sign can be slowly fading . Venous malformations appear in 1 to 4 percent of births . These signs usually appear in the jaw , cheek , tongue , and lips . Also appear in other parts of the body . This birthmark will grow slowly and do not disappear over time . Can be treated with sclerotherapy or surgery .
Congenital Nevus ( congenital nevi )
Form moles that appear at birth and can grow anywhere with different sizes there are more than 1 cm to 20 cm . This congenital nevi occur in one percent of births . Most moles are brown , black -haired and some have is not dangerous . But , conginental large nevus has become a major risk melanoma type of skin cancer that is deadly . For , it immediately consult a doctor if there is a congenital nevi with a large size .
Pigmented nevi ( moles )
Is pigmented spots on the skin . In layman's also known as a mole ( mole ) . These marks can appear when skin cells grow in groups and not spread throughout the skin . Moles can appear alone or in groups and can occur in all parts of the body . Color of skin , brown or black can fade in adulthood and may disappear over time . Moles is basically a benign skin tumor . Most moles are harmless , but can grow large in the direction and at risk of becoming malignant skin cancer . We need to recognize the signs if it includes malignant , among others : there are ulcerations ( sores ) and spontaneous bleeding , enlarged and darker colored , pigment spread into the surrounding skin , there are lesions smaller surrounding , inflammation without prior trauma , pain and itching . Usually large moles or moles that are small but suspicious , it is recommended to be appointed or surgery .
Café- au - Lait Spot
This sign is seen in infants in an oval shape with bright colors until lightly browned . Café- au- lait taken from the French servings of coffee means coffee and milk . These points are easily found on the waist , buttocks , and will be getting darker with age . Irregularly shaped and flat on the skin with a size range of 3-5 mm . When only one spot , birthmark does not need special handling . To watch, if there are five or more café - au - lait spots with a diameter of more than 5 mm , immediately consult a specialist doctor because it could be a sign of a disease neurofibromatosis ( tumors ) and McCune - Albright syndrome ( a genetic disease that affects bone health , puberty and thyroid ) .