12 Foods that Contain High Vitamin A

12 Foods that Contain High Vitamin A - Vitamin, that's one word that is very closely related to the health of the world. Vitamin consists of several types, there are vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. all the vitamin has benefits that are critical to maintaining the health of our bodies. As with other vitamins, vitamin A is also very important to maintain the health of our members. One of the benefits of vitamin A is known transform and maintain the health of your eyes. But here I am not going to discuss about the benefits of vitamin A for our bodies, yet so if you are interested to know the other benefits of vitamin A for our bodies, please see the next article of mine. Here we will discuss in advance what foods that have a high vitamin A content.

A little knowledge, vitamin A is one of the vitamins that are fat soluble have an important role in the formation of good vision systems. There are several compounds in the vitamin A is placed in vitamin A, retinol, among others, retinil pelmitat, and also retinil acetate. However, often times the vitamin A is only referred to in reinol, since it is a much retinol active role in the body. So, where we can get vitamin A? The following review is listen completely.

12 Foods that Contain High Vitamin A

12 Foods that Contain High Vitamin A

Vegetables are high in vitamin A

1 . Carrots

The rabbit 's favorite vegetable is very rich in vitamins A. not be surprised if the rabbit has sharp vision . Carrots may also reduce hypertension , and more exciting for your womanhood , carrots can also relieve pain due to menstruation . You can cook it as a soup or as a mixture of vegetables you eat .

2 . Chili red

Plants are used as a spicy flavoring in this kitchen spice also contains high vitamin content . One is its vitamin A content . Nothing wrong with a lot of people who like to eat spicy has good eyesight .

3 . Spinach

This green vegetable is also no less with carrots , beta carotene content in spinach is almost the same as the content of beta- carotene in carrots . Spinach also contains iron , which is certainly beneficial to your health . One cup of spinach is enough to meet the needs of 49 % of vitamin A.

4 . Tomatoes

Vegetables are identical with the color orange and round shape is also rich in vitamin A. a medium sized tomatoes enough to meet 20 % of the body's vitamin A requirement .

Fruit that has a high content of vitamin A

5 . Papaya

Cheap tasty fruit also contains vitamin A content is high enough . A small papaya is sufficient to meet the needs of 29 % of vitamin A the body .

6 . Dragon Fruits 

Pity to consume fruit also contains vitamin A you need to reach into the pocket inside - inside . Because it is the price of dragon fruit is quite expensive . Even impressed his dragon fruit is rich.

7 . Apples

In addition to containing vitamin B complex and vitamin C. The apples also contain vitamin A which is good enough for our body .

8 . Bananas

Tang Not only cheap and tasty , bananas also contain lots of vitamin A that multiply to your body . It can be eaten directly , processed bananas now also has many variations . However , bullet note , do not be too ripe bananas for this process so that nutritional content is maintained.
Other foods that have a high content of vitamin A

9 . Cereals

Cereals made ​​from yellow corn and wheat also contain vitamin A which is enough for our body .

10 . Bulbs - Crops

Like the culinary bulbs - root ? If so , then proceed . Because bulbs - root also is a source of vitamin A for our bodies . Types of bulbs that contain lots of vitamin A are yellow potatoes , steamed potatoes , red sweet potato , yam and red .

11 . Liver of cattle

Research shows 100 grams of beef liver contains more than 300 % of the intake of vitamin A is essential for per day .

12 . Processed milk

Milk and processed products such as cheese also contains vitamin A which is useful for our body .

Remember , do not let your lack of vitamin A , because it can cause serious illness . Want to know what are the consequences of vitamin A deficiency ? That's all about 12 Foods that Contain High Vitamin A, may be useful.

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