How to Make Powerful Herbal Medicines To Treat Gout

In the previous article Best and Fast Way To Treat Gout Naturally, the admin had promised to share How to Make Powerful Herbal Medicines To Treat Gout. View current conditions, gout sufferers increased, but not accompanied by public awareness will be important to maintain a healthy diet.

Diet becomes a major problem of our health, but not everyone noticed how his diet, so often times cause regret in the end, where he has been suffering from dangerous diseases, such as cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attacks, gout and other diseases that are interconnected . If it so, then the enjoyment had not felt healthy again, everything will feel so uncomfortable, uneasy, the money will be spent on treatment, those around us will be busy taking care of us. That is why the admin guess, we all need and it is important to know How to Make Powerful Herbal Medicines To Treat Gout.

As we know, gout drugs usually have higher doses and when consumed continuously can cause damage to the kidneys, stomach side effects even more. If it's dependence on these drugs then generally gout will recur again if we do not consume, let the following is How to Make Powerful Herbal Medicines To Treat Gout from us, congratulations to listen.

How to Make Powerful Herbal Medicines To Treat Gout

How to Make Powerful Herbal Medicines To Treat Gout 

A Herbal Remedy For Gout First 


  • 5 grains of cardamom 
  • 5 grains of cloves 
  • 4 sheets leaf duck bill 
  • Five grams of nutmeg 
  • 1 finger cinnamon 
  • 10 grams of ginger 
  • 600cc water.

Step treatment 

Once all the ingredients are available, boil all the ingredients are available in 600cc of water until the remaining 300cc. Then the filtered water and drink 3 times a day each 100cc each time drink.

B. Herbal Remedy For Gout First Second


  • 5 grains of cardamom 
  • 15 grams of ginger 
  • 5 grains of cloves 
  • 10 grains of pepper 
  • Five grams of nutmeg 
  • 1 finger cinnamon 
  • 5 grams of bangle 
  • 400cc water. 

Step treatment 

Once all the ingredients are available, boil all the above ingredients in water until the water remaining 400cc to 200cc again. After that you strain the cooking water, then you drink.

C. Herbal Remedy To Treat Gout Third 


  • 5 grains of cardamom 
  • 5 grains of cloves 
  • 15 grams of red ginger 
  • 1 finger cinnamon 
  • Five grams of nutmeg 
  • 10 grains of pepper 
  • 200 grams of red sweet potatoes 
  • 1000cc water. 

Step treatment 

Once all the ingredients are available, then you boil all the above ingredients in water 1000cc to 500cc water remaining. then you filter the boiled water and drink the water the following ingredients. While the sweet potatoes can be eaten as usual.

How? The sooner the treatment the healing process will be easier, so How to Make Powerful Herbal Medicines To Treat Gout from us, may be useful. See also Diabetics are required to avoid these foods.

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