10 types of foods that increase the fertility of pregnant women - Miscarriage is the most feared by a pregnant woman, the fear of trying to overcome in various ways in order to stay awake until the content of the birth. Therefore health and fertility is the main thing. 10 food fertilizing the womb could be a good choice for pregnant women to the fetus in the womb is fertile and well maintained.
How? That's all about 10 Types of Foods that Increase the Fertility of Pregnant Women can we share right now. Healthy foods will affect your child's development. The more you are careful attention to the food you eat it will also be good for your child's future. See also Vitamin E: Benefits and Deficiencies Due to Health and Beauty.

10 types of foods that increase the fertility of pregnant women
1 Egg
Eggs are foods that are easily available and can be served in moderation. But simplicity is flipped , was able to fertilize the egg contents if consumed . Pregnant women can consume up to 2 eggs eggs in a day. In addition to having protein , fats and omega 3 good for body health (if consumed regularly ) , eggs also have substance choline . These choline nutrient needed by pregnant women to safeguard fertility fetus. Choline nutrient helps the body to absorb folic acid , folic acid while making candidates not to wake the baby born deformed .2 Vegetables and Fruits
No one denied the importance of eating vegetables and fruits , even in the list menu both mandatory 4 healthy 5 perfect . Pregnant women should consume vegetables and fruit intake received so baby can wake up from fertility . Just like eggs , folate important nutrients also found in vegetables and fruits . Vegetables that help in nourishing content includes spinach , Lettuce and kale . While the fruit is avocado, oranges and Strawberry . Vegetables and fruits are also many useful features vitamin metabolism launched . So for mothers who are pregnant are encouraged to eat vegetables and fruits to keep the fertility fetus .3 Salmon Fish
This one is hard to find , in addition to expensive , also rarely marketed . but in terms of the benefits can be clearly demonstrated . Salmon could be the main food that helps the formation of hormones . Many of the benefits provided from salmon , among others, to prevent bronchitis , lung disease , maintain healthy eyes and skin , and maintain a healthy body . Proteins are offered by salmon also helps improve IQ or memory on the baby . The food is right for enrichment womb of the mother .4 Oysters
Foods rich in iron it became one of 10 food fertilizer content . Besides believed to fertilize the womb , oysters can also enhance male vitality . So for pregnant women just to try cooking oysters materials for the fertility of your baby .5 Milk
The need for calcium for women who are pregnant is required . Milk is rich in calcium intake is important to be a fetus in the womb . It is advisable to regularly drink 8 glasses of milk per day , or other dairy products such as cheese and yogurt . But the good milk is milk that has consumed a high fat content .6 Whole Wheat
Wheat is the type of meal that is rich in carbohydrates . Complex carbohydrates in oats makes blood and insulin levels become stable so that it can fertilize the womb . Carbohydrates can actually cause obesity , but for women who are pregnant are highly recommended for consumption .7 Brown
For pregnant women who like to snack while relaxing but scared if it interferes with fertility baby . Relax, because one study at Yale University have shown that eating chocolate during pregnancy had no impact on fertility baby , it gives a sense of fun and happy for consuming . So it does not cause tension or stress that affects the content .8 Honey
Consuming honey is rich in nutrients can be included as food fertilizer content . Efficacy of honey as a source of energy , facilitating digestion , keeping the immune system , can help heal wounds and nourish the womb .9 Olive Oil
Wonder why olive oil is also in the top 10 list of food fertilizer content. That's because olive oil is rich in fats, Omega 3 and Vitamin E. All three help increase a woman's reproductive fertility, especially for pregnant women. So start to consume olive oil regularly.10 Nuts and Grains
Consume nuts and seeds are very useful to the content , it is because there are cells and substances that are good for the fetus . Fiber and iron contained in the beans were able to develop red blood cells in infants . So that makes the content into a fertile and healthy .How? That's all about 10 Types of Foods that Increase the Fertility of Pregnant Women can we share right now. Healthy foods will affect your child's development. The more you are careful attention to the food you eat it will also be good for your child's future. See also Vitamin E: Benefits and Deficiencies Due to Health and Beauty.