Tips on How to Treat Vaginal Discharge Naturally

Tips on how to treat vaginal discharge naturally - Good morning, how are you? Are you one of the people with whiteness? Vaginal discharge sometimes make us less confident, and sometimes can make the marital relationship becomes somewhat strained, not as it used to.

This is quite reasonable, because the whiteness usually will make uncomfortable pairs, less savory aroma that comes out of the line "v" women often make men feel bad mood. You certainly do not want a rift in touch, do not you? This time the admin would like to share Tips on how to treat vaginal discharge naturally.

However, before we discuss what are the Tips on how to treat vaginal discharge naturally, it is useful if we introductions with the disease on "Miss V" on this one. The goal is that you can actually treat it or prevent it early.

Tips on how to treat vaginal discharge naturally

A. Definition of Vaginal Discharge 

Vaginal discharge is secretion [process to make and release mucus in the form of chemical substances made ​​by the body cells and glands] vaginal in women. Vaginal discharge in general can be divided into two general categories: [1] normal vaginal discharge (physiological) [2] abnormal vaginal discharge (pathological).

[1] Vaginal discharge Physiological 

This is a type of vaginal discharge which not normal and you should be aware of. Some vaginal discharge is the type of signal disease in the female organs or regions of the uterus. If vaginal discharge pathology occurs in pregnant women, the risk is one of the health problems in infants.

Physiological characteristics of vaginal discharge 

  • Dilute liquid 
  • Transparent or translucent liquid color 
  • Fluid is not sticky 
  • no odor 
  • Does not cause itching 
  • The amount of fluid that comes out slightly

[2] Vaginal discharge Pathological 

This is a type of vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal discharge and you should be aware. Some vaginal discharge is the type of signal disease in the female organs or regions of the uterus. If vaginal discharge pathology occurs in pregnant women, the risk is one of the health problems in infants.

The characteristics of abnormal vaginal discharge 

  • Viscous fluid 
  • Is usually milky white, yellow, greenish or grayish 
  • Sometimes sticky fluid 
  • Cause odor 
  • Irritate 
  • The amount of fluid a lot and will leave spots on underwear
See a doctor immediately if you experience the above symptoms.

B. Causes of vaginal discharge

  • hormonal imbalance
  • Symptoms of a particular disease
  • Damage to biological balance and acidity ( pH ) environment of the vagina .
  • Often using tissue while washing the female , after urinating or defecating
  • Wearing tight underwear from synthetic materials
  • Frequent use of public toilet is dirty
  • Not replacing panty liners
  • Error when rinsing the vagina from the wrong direction . Ie from the direction of the anus to the vagina toward the front
  • Frequently exchanging panties / towels with other people
  • Less vaginal hygiene
  • Extreme fatigue
  • stress
  • Not immediately replace the pads during menstruation
  • Wearing any soap to wash the vagina
  • Not mejalani healthy lifestyle ( eat irregularly , never exercise , sleep less )
  • Live in the humid tropics
  • Environmental sanitation dirty .
  • Often a bath with warm water and heat . The fungus that causes vaginal discharge is more likely to grow in warm conditions .
  • Frequent change of partners in sex
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Frequent scratching vagina

C. Tips on how to treat vaginal discharge naturally

Now we arrive at the core of change in, the tips on how to treat vaginal discharge. 

1. Treating vaginal discharge Betel Leaves with Water Stew

Treating Whitish Betel Leaves with Water Stew

Betel leaves are believed to overcome various problems in the female organs including vaginal discharge. To treat vaginal discharge with betel leaf is very easy, namely: 
  • First, prepare the material that is as much as 10-15 pieces of betel leaves (to taste), 
  • then you wash the betel leaf. 
  • After that betel leaves boiled with water from 2.5 to 3 liters (or to taste). 
  • Use of betel leaf boiled water to wash / wash your feminine area. 
You can also wash your female organs with the betel leaf boiled water each time you finished urinating. Do this on a regular basis, then you will soon recover.

2. Treating vaginal discharge with Herbal turmeric + sugar + acid

Treating Whitish with Herbal turmeric + sugar + acid

Turmeric contains anti-bacterial substance that works to treat various types of diseases including vaginal discharge. Oh yes coincidence this herb recipe I got from my aunt who also experience vaginal discharge. In addition, this method is often used in my hometown. The trick treat vaginal discharge with turmeric are:
  • Prepare 3 pieces of turmeric, palm sugar and tamarind 
  • Wash the turmeric 
  • Grate all the turmeric 
  • Mix turmeric with grated palm sugar and tamarind 
  • Furthermore, the feeling of taking water from the three materials 
  • Drink the potion 2 days / 1 time on a regular basis

3. Treat vaginal discharge with boiled water plants liman (Elephantopus scaber)

Treat vaginal discharge with boiled water plants liman

Liman plants commonly found around our homes, but not many people know about the efficacy of these plants, one of which is to cure vaginal discharge. Liman leaves can be used to treat vaginal discharge. The trick is as follows: 
  • 2-3 Prepare fruit plants liman 
  • Rinse the plant liman 
  • Then you boil with 2 cups of water
  • You can drink boiled water plants liman is 2 times / day until your vaginal discharge is completely healed
How? That's all about Tips on how to treat vaginal discharge naturally, may be useful. See also 7 Quick Way to Lengthen Hair Naturally.

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